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Members of the London Fire Brigade came to The Pavilion on 23rd April to work with our students. This was a follow-up visit from our Hands On Careers Event earlier in the year. 

Whetstone students had a great time trying to complete the tasks set by Anthony Gandhi and his team. After a quick induction, students put on safety gear.   


In groups, they participated in team activities that focused on problem solving, following instructions and communication. 

These are all ”soft skills” that employers look for and the morning was a fun way to increase students’ awareness. 

Anthony Gandhi, the Operational Outreach Officer, said; “Please could you give all of the students who took part a massive thank you and a round of applause from the LFB for their efforts. Without their interaction, cooperation and energy this would not have been possible. 

I would like to think it went well, and we managed to leave a lasting impression. I certainly saw students smiling, laughing and enjoying themselves aswell as having some really positive conversations. Feedback from LFB staff members confirms that others also encountered some really positive behaviours and engagement.”