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Meadway Primary Nurture Hub 

The Primary Nurture Hub is currently being used to support the delivery of Behaviour and Intervention programmes for primary pupils who are at risk of being permanently excluded from school. Schools commission programmes to support the young people in identifying the challenges within their behaviour and learning strategies to address these to allow for a successful return to mainstream school.

The primary aim for the Nurture Hub is to support pupils to reintegrate into mainstream schools or other appropriate placement. We offer personalised pathways for all our students to ensure equality of opportunity. We provide a curriculum which allows students to progress academically as well as socially and emotionally. 

All primary pupils complete baseline assessments across core curriculum areas in order for us to accurately record and track progress across the curriculum.


Meadway is a site for young people who have been out of mainstream school for some time as a result of medical or mental health challenges.  We offer a stepping stone that helps young people to reintegrate into their schools or support them to make the transition into a new setting.

Our aim is to support young people who may have disengaged from education to re-discover their interest in learning.  We do this by tailoring each individual’s timetable to suit their needs and interests and offering 1:1 and small group support and mentoring where necessary to build confidence and social skills.

Our base at Meadway is small and student centred. Young people are given support to help them manage their anxieties and prepare for a return to full time education, employment or training.

We strip back the curriculum to focus mainly on the core subjects of English, Maths and Science and additionally offer Art, ICT, PE, PSHE, RE and Philosophy.

Our school environment is a nurturing one.  Our students are sensitive to each other’s needs and support each other to re-engage positively in their education both socially and emotionally. 

All students complete baseline assessments across core curriculum areas as they arrive, in order for us to accurately record and track progress across the curriculum.

Meals for all students are provided in the Meadway main building.