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Careers Education

One aspect of the transitions work we do is to help students become more aware of their post 16 options.

At Key Stage 4, the careers programme is embedded within PSHE and students learn about different career pathways. Each student has one or more careers interviews and the outcomes are linked to the mentoring provision. Taster Days at college [virtual or actual] are offered.

Each student is mentored and in Year 11, some students who may need additional support have Transition mentors who help them onto their post 16 journey.

After June, additional sessions are offered to Year 11 students who are hoping to progress to Level 3 courses [A level or BTEC] by bridging the gap between them and GCSE.

If necessary, the Pavilion will use external agencies to run summer programmes to support our Year 11 leavers.

During the Autumn Term, transitions mentors work hard with our Yr 11 leavers to help them settle into their new courses. Some require a boost in confidence; others help with time management or travel plans. We liaise closely with colleges and parents to help this transition. 

We have had multiple organisations come in to do taster workshops with students during our annual Hands on Careers Day. Click here to see photos and information about this event. 

Download a list of college open days for 2023- click here