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Overview of the Curriculum at The Pavilion

This page summarises the curriculum offered for the Primary, KS3 and KS4 education ages. For details of subjects taught, including pupil revision support, SMSC and careers support, see the links on the left.

Primary Provision - KS1/KS2

This is a small setting, located at our Meadway site. We offer a stepping stone that helps young people of primary age, who have been out of mainstream school for some time as a result of medical or mental health challenges, to reintegrate into their schools or support them to make the transition into a new setting. Pupils study the core subjects of English, Maths and Science and additionally we offer Art, ICT, PE, PHSE, RE, Food and Drama. Pupils will follow a combination of behaviour improvement, anxiety and resilience, and reintegration interventions as appropriate. 


Pupils who are KS3 are located at both our Meadway and Whetstone sites respective to their needs and reasons for attending the Pavilion. Students follow a curriculum that includes core subjects English, Maths, Science, Art, Food, ICT and project based learning which additionally includes Drama, Media and Outdoor Education. Students also follow tailored pathways, each offering a personalised programme which reflects needs and outcomes. One pathway has a higher proportion of vocational learning which has been created to support identified learning needs. Several key programmes are also offered – all pupils will follow a combination of behaviour improvement, anxiety and resilience, and reintegration as appropriate. 


Pupils all study core subjects, Maths, English, Science, PE, Enrichment and Life Skills. Maths and English are weighted at 4 lessons, Science at 3 and life skills at 1. Life skills is a programme preparing for transition in Year 11 – it focuses on careers and the skills required post 16. Enrichment offers a set of opportunities for the pupils to develop and deepen their learning through activities linked to resilience, soft interpersonal skills and respect for the community. Pupils choose from 3 options that offer either GCSEs or BTEC qualifications. All three options can be academic subjects or vocational subjects or a mix of both to best allow the needs of all students to be catered for. Interventions such as work with CAMHS, YPDAS and mentoring are timetabled into the curriculum for students who are referred through this route.

Medical referral

Pupils based at Meadway study core subjects to GCSE plus taking a GCSE option in Business and Art. They have a programme focused on lowering their anxiety levels and developing resilience to enable them to return to school.


Teaching staff are employed to teach intensive one to one or small group sessions at local libraries or in homes to pupils who cannot be educated at other provisions for medical or safety reasons.  These sessions primarily focus on English and Maths. This cohort may include primary age students. 

Some pupils are on personalised learning programmes that include work experience, professional mentoring and a focus on core subjects. Outside expert providers such as Focus Training and First Rung are used for students who have needs that cannot be met at any of the Pavilion provisions.  Some pupils who have very high risk-factors who are deemed to be unsafe at any of the Pavilion provisions may also receive outreach teaching.

Hospital teaching 

School-age (Reception to Y13) children that are inpatients on Barnet General Hospital Galaxy (paediatric) ward are offered teaching by The Pavilion. The Education Team offer the core curriculum during Pavilion School days and additionally provides support for self-study. For students admitted for an extended period of time, or those likely to have reoccurring admissions to Galaxy Ward, we liaise closely with the student’s school in order to ensure they can continue with the work they would have been doing.