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Reporting Concerns

Our Safeguarding Officers are members of staff with specific responsibility for Safeguarding of the students at The Pavilion.

  • If you are concerned about a student, contact The Designated Safeguarding Lead- Lella Neocleous ( or in her absence contact Joanne Kelly 
  • If allegations are made against staff, contact The Headteacher, or if against the Headteacher – then Jeremy Hilburn (
  • If allegations are made against agency staff working at The Pavilion, please contact Joanne Kelly (  

Chair of Management Committee: Jeremy Hilburn 

The Safeguarding Officers at The Pavilion

Designated Safeguarding Lead - Coordinator for Safeguarding and Child Protection:
Lella Neocleous (

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead:
Joanne Kelly (

Other Officers: 

R. Philips (

K. Matthews (

C. Wood (cwood@the-pavilion)

J. Qoutteineh (jqoutteineh@the-pavilion

J. Dawson (

M. Bentley -Warne 

Report a concern to The Pavilion with our Feedback Form or report direct to one of our Safeguarding Officers above. 

Contact Ofsted

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Store Street
M1 2WD


Contact form: contact.ofsted

The helpline is open Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 6.00pm

General enquiries: 0300 123 1231
About schools: 0300 123 4234
About concerns: 0300 123 4666

Fax: 0300 123 3159

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Safeguarding at the Pavilion

The Management Committee has overall responsibility for ensuring that there are sufficient measures in place to safeguard students at The Pavilion.

Safeguarding has been reviewed during Autumn term this year. Here is a summary of the current Safeguarding approach at The Pavilion

  • There is a well-publicised safeguarding team of 8 staff . This information is clear across all settings.
  • All staff receive whole staff safeguarding training each term; they are kept up-to-date with statutory duties and best practice. This is recorded on the SCR.
  • All staff have completed certificated online courses in PREVENT and FGM awareness training
  • There are designated Safeguarding staff and a Student Support Manager who works closely with outside agencies.
  • Students are regularly discussed across SLT and at daily briefings and de-briefings with all staff to ensure that there is effective information sharing and a high level provision and care.
  • Some vulnerable students have individual risk management plans
  • There are regular links and meetings with outside agencies such as YOTs, YPDAS, CAHMS and Social Care to discuss individual students and put in place educational and care packages.
  • Staff have morning micro -training sessions each week to update skills and awareness on topics such as CSE; FGM; prevent; safeguarding
  • Attendance monitoring tracks students on partial timetables and off-site alternative provision and this provision is agreed with parents/carers on an individual basis with parental sign-off.

Our Expectations

The Pavilion is committed to creating a teaching and learning environment where the learning, social, personal needs and emotional well-being of its learners are addressed, where they are helped to succeed in an atmosphere of safety and mutual respect and are given the skills to manage their own behaviour.

Within the consistent setting of the school, everyone is expected to behave in a reasonable way, take responsibility for their own behaviour and model appropriate behaviour.